Shime's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,1657,680exceptionalExceptional is the Ruby gem for communicating with (hosted error ...
276,67133,042bunCLI tool to install and remove gems from Gemfile with ease.
394,95935,654humanize-numberHumanizes numbers.
4100,63435,654uby_interpreterSimple Ruby interpreter
5104,65656,059tawTime ago in words helper for non Rails projects.
6115,95176,031terminal-menuRetro ANSI terminal menu
7133,59276,031sinatrifyMake Rails controller actions look like Sinatra routes
8146,52576,031verdiGives you a diff between two versions of gems.
9148,48356,059geminioMicro utility that sets up the stage for building gems.
10167,75076,031i_did_meanAutofix your typos, by leveraging DidYouMean suggestions.
11168,31656,059gemsearchA CLI tool for searching Ruby gems.