1 | 29,251 | 76,031 | assetable | Dead simple asset uploader attachments for your active record models |
2 | 40,168 | 19,646 | mina-slack | Slack web hook from mina |
3 | 41,041 | 76,031 | responsive_images | A responsive image gem for Rails and Carrierwave |
4 | 42,325 | 25,572 | simple_flash_helper | Simple Flash Helper and Front-end Utilities |
5 | 49,823 | 30,156 | frontie | Front-end Utilities for your Rails Applications |
6 | 75,151 | 40,711 | cache_money_millionaire | Rails ActiveRecord Query Caching like a Millionaire |
7 | 78,782 | 40,711 | font_awesome_rails_sass | Font-Awesome Sassified |
8 | 98,340 | 76,031 | json_serializer | JSON serialization for active record models |
9 | 102,068 | 30,156 | zurb-ink | Zurb Ink for the asset pipeline |
10 | 109,431 | 76,031 | primordial | Simple, standard and elegant CSS structures based on Bootstrap3 |
11 | 110,626 | 76,031 | manhattan-sass | A powerful, mobile-first responsive framework built on Bourbon Neat. |
12 | 131,724 | 56,059 | bootstrap_sass_rails | Bootstrap Sass for Rails Asset Pipeline |
13 | 149,200 | 76,031 | middleman-router | A simple router for Middleman projets, inspired by the Rails router |