Fwmatt's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
110,35324,968fwtoolkitA collection of iOS development tools used by Future Workshops
213,12631,663notifiable-railsNotifiable engine for Rails.
316,63828,793mobile_workflowA Rails engine to provide API support for Mobile Workflow Apps.
420,94142,025notifiable-apns-grocerNotifiable APNS plugin for Grocer
523,02313,399harmony-serviceGem which helps you to build Harmony services
624,14153,556notifiable-gcm-spacialdbPlugin to use GCM with Notifiable
730,22453,556app_rail-airtableGem to help building App Rail servers using Airtable as a backend
834,03820,054fwt_bootstrap_railsHelpers for using Bootstrap 3 with Rails
935,82931,663notifiable-coreNotifiable core classes.
1043,23386,038notifiable-apns-apnoticApnotic APNS connector for Notifiable
1143,26242,025notifiable-senderConnect to Notifiable's notifications API.
1252,12953,556notifiable-mpns-nverinaudPlugin to use MPNS with Notifiable-Rails
1353,28686,038capsulecrm-bCapsuleCRM API Gem
1456,31153,556app_rail-stepsUtilities to generate JSON for expected step responses.
1563,57253,556cloud_kitA gem which provides initial Ruby bindings for Apple's CloudKit
1670,32426,609convox_api_clientRuby API client for the Convox platform
1778,62586,038mobile_workflow_cliCLI tool for Mobile Workflow
18101,02526,609loader_droidA gem to help loading cases into Case Manager
19103,64986,038notifiable-geoGeo extensions for Notifiable
20158,42886,038notifiable-sms-twilioPlugin to use Twilio SMS gateway with Notifiable
21163,72186,038figaro_sekretsGem containing rake tasks for encrypting/decrypting application.yml secrets using sekre...
22170,78486,038notifiable-email-sesAWS SNS Email connector for Notifiable