1 | 9,990 | 11,060 | environs | A simple wrapper around the ENV hash that by default raises an error when value request... |
2 | 14,812 | 14,560 | dogstatsd | A Ruby DogStastd client |
3 | 26,884 | 18,367 | guard-shotgun | This gem provides a Guard that restarts Rack apps when watched files are modified simil... |
4 | 56,641 | 66,011 | okta_saml | The okta_saml gem helps Ruby on Rails applications communicate with Okta |
5 | 99,126 | 40,936 | jammer | Create, publish, and maintain jam packages. |
6 | 100,967 | 107,996 | random_youtube_comment | Retrieves a (psuedo)random comment from a (psuedo)random video using the Wordnik API to... |
7 | 109,508 | 107,996 | utc_rpn_calc | A simple RPN style calculator that operates on unsigned hex numbers |
8 | 109,866 | 49,384 | rack-swagger | Serve up Swagger UI and docs. |
9 | 110,145 | 66,011 | rspec-swagger | Test Swagger-documented APIs automatically. |
10 | 132,421 | 107,996 | gem_starter | This gem creates a directory containing the directories and files needed to develop a g... |
11 | 133,544 | 107,996 | doh | Generate a customizable sinatra app that generates a response code mapping to the url e... |
12 | 135,709 | 107,996 | davis | Davis is an opinionated Sinatra application generator. |
13 | 137,979 | 66,011 | guard-preserves | This gem provides a guard plug-in to watch the Preserves repo and compile/copy js files... |
14 | 139,536 | 107,996 | drawbridge | Papi's Wife |
15 | 141,372 | 107,996 | dram | Downloader for RubyTapas and ElixirSips based on the work by @leafac and @benjamintanwe... |
16 | 145,261 | 107,996 | parliament | A Rack app for automatically merging pull request when conditions are met. |
17 | 155,095 | 107,996 | rollout-dynamodb_store | An AWS DynamoDB storage engine for the Rollout gem. |
18 | 156,474 | 107,996 | panoptes | A watcher of services. |
19 | 181,836 | 107,996 | git-smart-ng | Installs some additional 'smart' git commands, like `git smart-pull`. |