1 | 20,196 | 91,437 | tubes | A simple way to build a pipeline of tasks. These tasks can be configured to run in seri... |
2 | 21,674 | 91,437 | user_authentication | A rails engine for email and password based account authentication. |
3 | 23,529 | 91,437 | specstar-models | This gem provides RSpec matchers for model attributes and validators. |
4 | 31,427 | 50,918 | specstar-support-random | RSpec helpers for generating random entities. |
5 | 33,030 | 91,437 | specstar-controllers | RSpec helpers for controllers. |
6 | 35,789 | 91,437 | globals | A simple way to define globals for use in a Ruby application. |
7 | 38,435 | 91,437 | widgets | A simple framework to create reusable widgets for Rails applications. |
8 | 45,148 | 50,918 | admin_engine | A rails engine for adding admin functionality. |
9 | 52,492 | 91,437 | rspec_attribute_matchers | RSpec helpers for ActiveRecord models. |
10 | 111,494 | 91,437 | primary_key | Adds an add_primary_key method for Rails migrations. |
11 | 129,169 | 50,918 | experiments | A rails engine for enabling A/B and other experiments. |
12 | 137,337 | 91,437 | rspec_random | RSpec helpers for generating random entities. |
13 | 144,345 | 91,437 | specstar-remarkable | Remarkable ActiveRecord: collection of matchers and macros with I18n for ActiveRecord |
14 | 149,708 | 91,437 | to-hash | Adds a to_hash method to arrays. |
15 | 151,590 | 91,437 | pipelines | A simple way to build a pipeline of tasks. These tasks can be configured to run in seri... |