Nickbarth's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
136,81026,758graph-apiGraphAPI is a Ruby Gem created to simplifiy and help manage authentication using the Fa...
264,065103,205gemcdGemCD helps you navigate your Gem directory by extending your gem commands with `cd`.
367,38141,687sprock-assetsSprockAssets is a Rack Middleware you can include in your application for compiling you...
476,258103,205rake-assetsRakeAssets is a small Ruby Gem that contains some simple configurable Rake Tasks and de...
5100,585103,205rake-arRakeAR is a Ruby Gem containing some common Rake tasks to help manage your ActiveRecord...
6135,684103,205sinatragenSinatraGen generates a Sintra application setup and configured for getting up and runni...