Robb1e's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,1444,738render_anywhereOut of the box, Rails will render templates in a controller context only. This gem allo...
27,53015,366simple_bddGherkin methods that turn strings into methods
311,16810,916elementaljs-railsA Gem wrapper for ElementalJS
417,31014,615tracker-gitTracker integration: Update Tracker based on current Git repo.
565,02476,031pivotal-sassPivotal branding as SASS
682,78976,031nosqlA simple ActiveRecord 'adapter' that raises on any call
7135,07376,031proxifyCreate a proxy for any object.
8136,33976,031simple-versionerA way to retreive best placed versions
9137,14076,031overtime-queriesRun time based queries over a git repository