Padi's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
112,369-express_adminExpressAdmin is the admin menu framework used by, ExpressBlog, etc.
255,891-active_model_serializers_contribModules/classes that extend AMS with more functionality
388,005-jsonapi-resources-filtererIntegration between filterer and jsonapi-resources
4100,397-sparkmotionRubyMotion gem for Spark API
5134,463-loaded_pluginsAdds Rails.plugins, a list all of the plugins that Rails has loaded
6136,194-plugin_migrationsAdds support for plugin-based migrations
7141,610-word_bunnyTallies each word found in a given text.
8148,349-evertMakes notes using your favorite text editor instead of Evernote's.