Drsnooks's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
146,95235,772moj_tribunals_configUsed by tribunals_frontend and tribunals_api to share configuration. To use: 1...
262,82641,117postcodeinfo-client-rubyProvides a convenient interface for looking up postcodes in an instance of the MoJ post...
363,56738,118nomis-api-clientA minimal Ruby client for the [NOMIS API](http://ministryofjustice.github.io/nomis-api/)
4113,97075,441featureflagsSimple implementation of the 'Feature Flags' pattern as a Ruby gem. Allows you to set d...
5158,989135,887shell_adapterA simple wrapper around the fiddliness of interacting with the shell in Ruby. Extracted...