Tmatilai's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,4345,541vagrant-vbguestA Vagrant plugin which automatically installs the host's VirtualBox Guest Additions on ...
27,15012,181vagrant-proxyconfA Vagrant plugin that configures the virtual machine to use proxy servers
322,79724,811vagrant-timezoneA Vagrant plugin that configures the time zone of a virtual machine
446,22875,347yle_tfTooling for Terraform to support environments, hooks, etc.
560,67275,347yle-aws-roleTooling to help to assume AWS IAM roles
672,93275,347yle_tf-aws_assume_roleA plugin for yle_tf for assuming AWS IAM roles
784,68075,347yle_tf-landscapeA plugin for YleTf adding a `planb` command that runs `terraform plan` with piping the ...
8118,09775,347guard-terraformGuard plugin for checking and optionally fixing Terraform configuration formatting and ...
9149,82975,347yle-newrelic_api_v2New Relic API v2 implementation for Ruby