Spajus's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
129,50423,497libgfapi-rubyRuby bindings for libgfapi (GlusterFS API)
235,39332,169pronto-jscsPronto runner for JSCS, JavaScript Code Style checker
340,42334,868gosu_texture_packerHandles TexturePacker format and makes it ready to use with Gosu
443,18938,031activetodoThis gem provides 'TOD*', 'F*XME' and 'XX*' as methods you can use in code
548,95570,697markioImport/export utility for Netscape Bookmark Format
648,99041,979vinted-resque-metricsA simple Resque plugin that times and saves some simple metrics for Resque jobs back in...
733,53545,895airbrake-graylog2Send Airbrake exceptions to Graylog2
861,75452,733tank_islandThis is a game built with Gosu library while writing "Developing Games With Ruby" book....
961,97352,733thiefProvides alternative, faster way of installing your Gemfile contents
1043,18245,895skit-statsdStatsd integration for Skit. Skit is Daemon Kit extension oriented for services.
1150,36745,895jenkins-nitroCommand line tool for analyzing Jenkins test duration changes between \ fast and slow b...
1258,36845,895skit-log4r-gelfEasily configurable Log4r GELF logger for Skit
1363,48345,895skit-amqpAn alternative to DaemonKit::AMQP
1499,268136,377gosu_tiledMakes it easy to load tile maps built with Tiled editor into Gosu games
15100,00284,840lita-pubsubPubSub notification system for Lita
1678,23645,895skit-loggerLogger support for Skit
17137,843136,377lita-debugLita plugin debugger
18147,539105,358mass-hookerCommand line tool to control GitHub repository hooks in multiple repos in bulk
19153,082168,370resque-pool-vintedquickly and easily fork a pool of resque workers, saving memory (w/REE) and monitor...
20112,33845,895sinatra-error-loggerSinatra error logging middleware
21162,534105,358vagrant-berkshelf-nochefdkA Vagrant plugin to add Berkshelf integration to the Chef provisioners, without need of...