Accessd's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,6576,953slack-ruby-botThe easiest way to write a Slack bot in Ruby.
213,87718,162rails-settings-uiUser interface for manage settings with rails-settings gem
314,87913,891rails-env-faviconGem to display the rails environment on the favicon
472,04927,184ruby_branchRuby client for API
5135,77757,843localizatorThis plugin provides two simple rake tasks to help keeping tranlations in sync with the...
6136,08057,843capistrano-yoCapistrano notification of completion of deploy via Yo app!
7151,87757,843models_statsGraphics for your rails models with MetricsGraphics.js and NVD3. It may show count(or a...