Calebhearth's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,208914scenicAdds methods to ActiveRecord::Migration to create and manage database views in Rails
22,7632,447griddlerSendGrid Parse API client Rails Engine
33,5173,217griddler-sendgridAdapter to allow the use of SendGrid Parse API with Griddler
44,4484,995formulaicRemoves the tedium of formulaic form filling with Capybara by allowing you to speci...
55,2026,204titleAbuses I18n to set HTML s
66,9534,683time_for_a_booleanUse timestamp values to represent boolean data such as deleted, published, or subsc...
77,2729,306autosize-railsRails asset pipeline wrapper around jQuery Autosize:
816,62920,567monbansimple rails authentication
927,04832,483autogrow-textarea-railsRails asset pipeline around Autogrow-Textarea
1035,80249,456fitvids-railsRails wrapper for fitvids, a lightweight, easy-to-use jQuery plugin for fluid width vid...
1154,22145,066jellyfish_fog_awsManage AWS products through Fog on Jellyfish Core API
1265,18673,500minotaurIf all the ways I have been along were marked on a map and joined up with a line, i...
1374,833146,834dagonThe Dagon programming language: whitespace, enumerators, blocks, One Way
14120,192112,317jellyfish-provisionerProvide Provisioner helper class needed for Jellyfish modules adding product types
15122,99073,500frontmatterSemi-static pages with data in Rails.
17137,153112,317slurmThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
18138,927112,317fancy_tableCreate fancy tables which are semantic HTML5, are easy tostyle, and are beautiful.
19141,724112,317science_cannot_measureThe latest in scientific truth
20158,588146,834whenceAsk each allocation, does this spark joy? If not, thank it and throw it away.
21163,92088,619action_pageSemi-static pages with data in Rails.
22173,37573,500hearthside-marginaliaKeep track of books read, progress, ratings, highlights, and notes.
23176,58762,515hearthside-mentionableWebmention sending and receiving for Rails projects.
24177,79988,619in_a_tavernActivityPub on Rails for a single user
25177,954112,317hearthsideAn Indieweb/Fediverse blog generator