Lxsameer's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
112,9768,631faalisFaalis is a ruby on rails engine which provides a platform to easily build a web applic...
225,84019,389susanooDevelop mobile application using apache cordova and ruby utilities.
328,22126,305admin_lte-railsGemified AdminLTE, with SASS and RTL support for Rails.
430,28822,267site_frameworkA site framework for Ruby on Rails web framework inspired by Django site fremework. The...
531,13826,305model_discoveryDetecting all models in a rails application (even those in gems) without loading them a...
652,41746,623dashstrapAn awesome dashboard template for Faalis platform.
761,52360,424amdAMD allows you to load js code in async fashion and base on your controller action.
866,34346,623faalis_contactsContacts plugin for Faalis. Provide very complete contacts application.
979,02584,840admin_lteGemified AdminLTE, with RTL support.
1084,40070,697yellowen-miscA meta gem and a bundle of gems which we use mostly on development.
1187,60684,840red_baseRedBase is a ruby on rails engine which provides a very basic web application to use wi...
12100,672105,358rampAMP protocol implementation in Ruby. For more information about AMP protocol take a loo...
13106,21884,840faalis-pageA Rails egnine to use with Faalis which provides page CRUD functionality base on markdown.
14116,017105,358rahyabRuby gem to use Rahyab SMS service
15120,855168,370DaarmaanRuby implementation of Daarmaan client.
16124,595136,377numbers_to_wordsSimple gem to convert integers to their English words. For example 4329 to 'four thousa...
17129,537136,377kaminari-rails4Kaminari is a Scope & Engine based, clean, powerful, agnostic, customizable and sophist...
18133,540136,377faalis-commentsComments Engine for Faalis. It provides a commentable functionality for each model you ...
19157,244136,377the-LHandful collection of fnuctions and classes that helps debug you app. It's my personal ...
20161,149105,358underworldUnderworld is a ruby on rails engine which provides a platform to easily build a web ap...