Smileart's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
144,077-britishAllows to use alternative words endings: -ise instead of -ize etc. Defines `is_an?` as ...
263,465-hash_diggerA utilitarian lib to extract data from complex Hashes using String path with recursions
365,933-hash_remapperA little lib which maps original keys to the new ones and more
478,456-mac-sayRuby wrapper around the modern version of the macOS `say` command. Inspired by the @bra...
587,899-pwsqrSimple QR interface to pws gem. Helps to use your passwords on a smartphone.
693,106-simple_encryptorSimple, url-safe, opinionated string encryption
7100,059-network_utilsA set of utils to get URL info before downloading a resource, work with ports, etc.
8107,750-pdf2nookTool to convert PDF files, to make them more readable on Barnes ...
9126,370-rack-fractionMiddleware which lets you to execute arbitrary code just for a certain fraction of requ...
10128,353-invisible_loggerA tool to output complex logs with minimal intrusion and smallest possible footprint in...
11167,725-rotation_hashA Hash descendant with elements count limit and rotation