1 | 5,693 | 4,303 | rake-hooks | Add after and before hooks to rake tasks. You can use "after :task do ... end" and "bef... |
2 | 31,345 | 56,274 | ginst | GINST is the new integration system |
3 | 32,490 | 56,274 | themigrator | The migrator is a program that eases and automates data migrations. |
4 | 32,853 | 56,274 | nested_hash | For example a hash like { "properties.age" => 3 } will be converted into { "properties"... |
5 | 33,196 | 56,274 | ss2json | Convert SpreadSheet documents to json following some conventions. |
6 | 41,852 | 56,274 | scalarium | Access your scalarium clouds from console |
7 | 57,430 | 56,274 | rffw | A simple program that listen at port 80 for uploads, and save the uploaded files to disk |
8 | 69,282 | 38,928 | dispatch_queue | Little gem to enqueue jobs the easy way |
9 | 69,938 | 19,315 | dynalock | dynalock is a distributed lock that uses Amazon Web Service Dynamod DB |
10 | 73,232 | 56,274 | git-changes | It taks the output from git-log, parses it, and output with the standard format of chan... |
11 | 74,028 | 56,274 | extract_files | Tired of generating big builds for the cdn? Just want to know wich files your designers... |
12 | 74,089 | 56,274 | rake-deploy | Create some conventions and a deploy system using just rake |
13 | 92,941 | 56,274 | rgithook | Ruby gem specify for git hooks. |
14 | 101,079 | 56,274 | monitor_manager | Monitor Manager |
15 | 102,122 | 56,274 | speed-test | Internet speed test for home ussage |
16 | 102,783 | 56,274 | ubuntu_amis | Ubuntu Ami list |
17 | 102,899 | 56,274 | stderr_logger | Simple logger that add info debug and error to Object and always output to STDERR |
18 | 125,098 | 56,274 | git-inside-branch | It set GIT_DIR, GIT_WORK_TREE and GIT_INDEX_FILE and checkout temporarily in a temp dir... |
19 | 126,124 | 56,274 | rack_environment | Rack environment is a rails plugins that lets you define some environments and add some... |
20 | 127,608 | 56,274 | spritopia | Maybe some day it can, but not for the moment |
21 | 135,009 | 56,274 | smile_me_please | Useful to put in the prompt of a shell. |
22 | 136,009 | 56,274 | highline_wizard | Interactive array based wizzard bassed in highline |