1 | 27,580 | 76,031 | presenter_object | Useful for wrapping model objects with presentation methods. |
2 | 32,837 | 76,031 | assigns_has_many_through_relations | Rails Engine that provides a management UI to assign models to each other |
3 | 37,175 | 40,711 | action_cable_subscription_adapter | Implements a SubscriptionAdapter for ActionCable which uses a configurable Redis client. |
4 | 39,425 | 28,629 | accepts_nested_serialized_attributes | A tiny hack for Rails to make Model#as_json(include: :association) return a hash with a... |
5 | 40,822 | 76,031 | go_easy_btn | Hook up easy button via USB serial port and trigger shell commands |
6 | 47,415 | 26,648 | def_retry | Allows you to define methods that will retry on exception or declare blocks of code wit... |
7 | 68,562 | 76,031 | harlem_bits | It's the Harlem Shake. In Ruby. In the terminal. |
8 | 80,098 | 76,031 | make_dirs_from_list | Quick command to create a directory structure given a list of dir names |
9 | 87,252 | 76,031 | RedditPostClassifierBot | This gem wraps Ruby's nbayes gem to do text classification of Reddit posts. It classifi... |
10 | 88,100 | 40,711 | easy_export | Export ActiveModels to CSV by declaring headers and fields in your model with the `expo... |
11 | 98,059 | 45,533 | evil_pdf | Generate a PDF from an array of URLs |
12 | 102,870 | 56,059 | httmultipartymagic | HTTMultiParty is a thin wrapper around HTTParty to provide multipart uploads. |
13 | 104,309 | 76,031 | ror-rubycas-server | Provides single sign-on authentication for web applications using the CAS protocol. Mod... |
14 | 108,702 | 45,533 | engine_migration_initializer | Allows a Rails engine's migrations to be loaded by the host app rather than having to c... |
15 | 109,387 | 76,031 | validates_associated_bubbling | EachValidator that adds a parent model's association's validation errors to the parent ... |
16 | 109,738 | 76,031 | strong_parameters_dsl | Provides a light DSL for defining strong parameters in Rails controllers |
17 | 124,617 | 76,031 | monkey_string | Adds neat methods to String |
18 | 136,508 | 45,533 | color_adjuster | Drop this module in a model that has a color attribute and be able to adjust the color. |
19 | 141,091 | 56,059 | forced_file_from_url | Tiny hack to convert StringIO objects into Tempfile when using OpenURI to open files le... |
20 | 147,138 | 76,031 | store_current_user | A simple wrapper over RequestStore to provide a controller filter to store the current ... |
21 | 149,634 | 76,031 | hash_as_hidden_fields | Extracted hash helper code from KipuRecords. |
22 | 150,097 | 76,031 | airbrake_user_attributes_rails5 | Adds information about the current user to error reports |
23 | 150,714 | 76,031 | kipu_translations | Kipu's en.yml file. Shared with KTB |
24 | 152,026 | 76,031 | kwipper | Kwipper is the reference example app for the Kwipper Programming Challenge to build an ... |
25 | 154,352 | 76,031 | airbrakeV4rails5 | Send your application errors to our hosted service and reclaim your inbox. |
26 | 155,518 | 76,031 | simple_scope | llows you to define magic `scope`s on an ActiveRecord model without having to provide `... |