1 | 37,672 | 74,510 | errands | A code frame to have an orderly use of thread and separate runtime and actual job of a ... |
2 | 51,102 | 47,329 | ecolo | A few lines of code to give your top level module (or class) the env getter and setter |
3 | 55,570 | 74,510 | ragot | A gem to tell on methods and what they do, behind their backs. A hack to create hooks a... |
4 | 68,098 | 47,329 | figure | A classic configuration store, that turns out Hash definitions to methods, with a manag... |
5 | 84,065 | 74,510 | ways-and-means | Sinatra routes and Sinatra settings through configuration data, hash or yaml file |
6 | 84,117 | 33,946 | pathstring | A Pathname / String midway interface, to files and directories |
7 | 99,205 | 74,510 | git-patch-patch | A script to rewrite git patches/commits, while keeping commits history |
8 | 103,675 | 74,510 | ruby-git-lacravate | a fork of: 'A package for using Git in Ruby code.'. Don't use that, i use this gem for ... |
9 | 132,866 | 74,510 | git-trifle | Trifle is a yet another layer around ruby git libs that intends to stick as little as p... |
10 | 136,810 | 47,329 | pedlar | pedlar peddles interfaces (through accessors and delegation) |