Kmmndr's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
124,74335,654geonames_dumpGeonamesDump import geographic data from geonames project into your application, avoidi...
252,42233,042calendriersimple calendar gem, including helpers to display objects inside cells
358,29176,031passionviewGet view logic out of persistence models and controllers and put it into view models.
462,50376,031slotmachineHides the ugly css and html from your views
587,17076,031traductionSimple tool to ease synchronization of locale files
6102,54976,031makebookAssembling books with style from Markdown sources
7104,37076,031ramenuRamenu is a simple Ruby on Rails plugin for creating and managing navigation menus for ...
8111,41030,156exposantSimple way to create decorators and presenters
9118,15376,031pg_ftsRelation-aware synchronous full text search index for PostgreSQL using PL/pgSQL trigger...
10135,38256,059capistrano-ryry integration for Capistrano
11146,97140,711leaflet-extra_markers-railsLeaflet.extra-markers library as a gem, ready for Rails asset pipeline
12161,03276,031activerecord_chainsChains enable definition and evaluation of advanced rules of access to persisted ...
13167,46545,533content_storableSimple content-addressable store behaviour
14169,62076,031massiverecordLeverage Active Record introspection to perform fast mass interactions skipping r...