Joonty's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
113,9828,511pessimizeAdd the pessimistic constraint operator to all gems in your Gemfile, restricting the ma...
228,14319,844delayed_after_commitdefer your after commit callbacks to sidekiq
341,90832,288systemd_monMonitor systemd units and trigger alerts for failed states
473,375141,551breaktimeEnforce screen breaks at regular intervals, when you want them
574,536141,551chain-reactorTrigger events across networks using TCP/IP sockets
689,68567,524torkifyEasily create callbacks for automated testing with tork
7148,666102,511torkify-vimVim quickfix integration with torkify
8149,037102,511torkify-popupShow system popup notifications for torkify events