Muse's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
119,04027,737ansible-wrapperA lightweight Ruby wrapper around Ansible that allows for ad-hoc commands and playbook ...
223,88327,737rails_admin_chartsPer-Model HighCharts for Rails Admin
339,126135,887stupeflixStupeflix API wrapper using HTTParty
470,43294,831sidekiq_send_mailRender mail, serialize it and then send it to a Sidekiq queue for dispatch by a backgro...
5108,45975,441headless-museHeadless is a Ruby interface for Xvfb. It allows you to create a headless display strai...
6132,75194,831w2vPlaceholder for the Web2Video API Client
7146,27794,831web2videoPlaceholder for the Web2Video Module