Hanachin's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
115,80095,592rubocop-codetaktThis includes the RuboCop configuration used by codeTakt. It is for the unification...
223,71595,592konjakTMX(Translation Memory exChange) tools for ruby
345,55495,592haml_i18n_lintfind out not translated yet plain text from your Haml template
447,94995,592hamidashiDetect PDF text overflow.
548,49795,592gtt-downloaderDownload archive.zip from Google Translator Toolkit.
650,05828,282docseta library for docset generation
756,05095,592ruboty-idobataIdobata adapter for Ruboty.
856,64238,445meiboMeibo is a ruby library for OneRoster CSV Binding Japan Profile.
960,09162,540lingr_botA Ruby wrapper for the Lingr Bot API
1075,22338,445nidobataRead stdin and post it into idobata.io.
1178,35595,592itamae-plugin-recipe-minecraftitamae recipe for minecraft.
1279,85462,540tagfulTagging your exception.
1393,47225,404with_refinementsActivate the refinements in block scope.
1496,93295,592redcarpet-render-hikiHiki renderer plugin for the redcarpet. You can convert Markdown to Hiki easier.
1598,84338,445pera1generate gemspec for a single .rb file
1699,09138,445atabodiidobata.io bot api client
17101,22638,445to_mdConvert Ruby Object to markdown by #to_md method
18105,42395,592emnmconvert number to github emoji number
19107,31595,592idobadgeText badges generator for idobata.io generic webhook.
20108,87995,592faker-okinawaFaker::Okinawa generates Okinawa fake data.
21109,54095,592itamae-plugin-recipe-oracle_jdkinstall oracle jdk
22110,81095,592idobata_fsmount your idobata rooms via FUSE
23119,63195,592habuDI container
24130,06895,592rbs_ts_generatorGenerate TypeScript that includes routes definition and request / response JSON type fr...
25130,92195,592import_asAdd DSL: import { C as C2 }.from "./c.rb"
26131,70795,592idobata_graph_qlIdobata public GraphQL API client
27135,97795,592string_literal_extractorextract string literal from your ruby program
28140,84995,592ellen-idobataIdobata adapter for Ellen.
29146,00438,445thats_itYou can use `it` method in a block to get a single parameter of the block like Kotlin's...
30146,94995,592shyoboi-ddnsSimple DDNS Server
31148,12095,592simplecov-idobatareport your test coverage to idobata.io.
32149,25195,592ruboty-icon_rouletteruboty handler for change bot's icon at random.
33151,54595,592tap_iTap with instance_eval.
34153,06662,540turnip-dry_runDo dry run for turnip feature specs to get some step metadata.
35157,81962,540yuimaruGenerates sequence diagram.
36157,86995,592is_deadOnce you `require 'is_dead'`, the `require` method is dead.
37161,58538,445qiita-team-reporterQiita:Team reporter
38165,30738,445measure_itsA wrapper to profiling a whole method body
39166,36095,592refinements_robberyRobbing the buried Refinements from ObjectSpace
40166,48895,592javascript_template_literalsMake #`(string) works like JavaScript Template literals
41168,49695,592keyword_argnizeMake the method take normal arguments or keyword arguments. The normal argument names a...
42169,89795,592SATySFi-railsSATySFi template for Rails
43170,69695,592rubocop-cop-lint-negative_pThis cop checks for method call Numeric#negative?
44170,86362,540rubocop-cop-lint-positive_pThis cop checks for method call Numeric#positive?
45176,74362,540mext_school_code_validator文科省学校コードのバリデーター https://www.mext.go.jp/b_menu/toukei/mext_01087.html