Stevenosloan's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1317429slack-notifierA slim ruby wrapper for posting to slack webhooks
23,0824,510middleman-sprocketsSprockets support for Middleman
317,05789,467borrowerFor borrowing little snippets of the web, or files, or really any snippet of string.
426,84228,786middleman-data_sourceAllow for loading data in middleman from remote sources
527,694121,990asgitA simple query interface for git.
632,89332,386slugityYet another slugging gem, convert a string to a slug with the option for custom mappings.
737,468121,990branchable_cdn_assetsHelpers for syncing and finding assets accross multiple remotes
849,86345,575here_or_thereA unified interface for running local or remote commands. Provides a dependable & i...
950,230121,990branchable_cdn_assets-middlemanMiddleman Adaptor for branchable_cdn_assets
1051,79545,575freddiesaylike cowsay, but for freddie
1153,929121,990statistranoDeployment tool focused on static sites. Has different modes for releases with rollback...
1297,126121,990catch_and_releaseTools for testing standard inputs & outputs
13105,03089,467mc_markdownMailChimp flavoured markdown syntax using RedCarpet
14105,190121,990dotrepoA simple manager for your dotfiles
15109,343121,990wordpress-scaffoldCommon patterns & ruby workflow applied for wordpress development