Kpumuk's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,669-meta-tagsSearch Engine Optimization (SEO) plugin for Ruby on Rails applications.
221,207-throttlingThrottling gem provides basic, but very powerful way to throttle various user actions i...
321,368-sphinxAn easy interface to Sphinx standalone full-text search engine. It is implemented as pl...
422,934-loopsLoops is a small and lightweight framework for Ruby on Rails, Merb and other ruby frame...
528,304-metricsdClient library for MetricsD server
631,645-magic_enumMagicEnum is a simple ActiveRecord plugin that makes it easier to maintain ENUM-like at...
743,153-easy-profSimple Ruby code profiler to use both in Rails applications and generic Ruby scripts.
861,310-query_tracerThis library helps to find where in your rails app sql query was run.
973,054-knife-bastionProtect your Chef server by restricting direct access to Chef HTTPS port to be only acc...
10126,489-rlibsphinxclientA Ruby wrapper for pure C searchd client API library.