Alexander_senko's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
161,975102,580rails_dynamic_associationsDefine your model associations in the database without changing the schema or models.
298,35672,252rails_model_load_hookAdds :model_class load hook for every ActiveRecord descendant.
3121,445102,580stubUseful for creating stubs with partially defined objects.
4157,280102,580translatable_descriptionsAdds multilingual text attributes to Rails models using a separate table.
5173,855102,580organizer-railsUse lists, tags, flags, etc. to organize your application records.
6174,120102,580adjustable_schemaRails Engine to allow ActiveRecord associations be set up in the DB instead of being ha...
7177,389102,580active_model-inherited_partialsA Rails Engine to let models inherit partials until overridden.