Roobert's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
124,79215,129gclouderA wrapper for gcloud(1) which creates Google Cloud Platform resources based on YAML man...
237,34418,694erb-hieraGenerate documents from a scope, ERB template(s) and Hiera data
348,43876,031aws-carba tool for provisioning ec2 instances with a templated cloudinit configuration, with th...
455,05324,203gclouder_undefined_resourcesA tool to compare deployed resources to resources defined in gclouder(1) manifests
564,19576,031sensu-output-monkeypatchMonkeypatch Sensu::Plugin::Check::CLI#output to simplify check output
664,36226,648chiplotle-cli-wrapperA Wrapper for the CLI to the Chiplotle python library
7142,46256,059feedme_youtubesfetch youtube feeds!