1 | 12,130 | 23,720 | capistrano-slack_notification | Notify Capistrano deployment to Slack. |
2 | 12,162 | 8,413 | capistrano-github-releases | GitHub Releases tasks for Capistrano v3 |
3 | 14,668 | 37,467 | breacan | Simple Ruby wrapper for Slack API. |
4 | 19,939 | 50,918 | capistrano-withrsync | Capistrano with rsync |
5 | 25,545 | 91,437 | pdns | The Pengin is PowerDNS API mountable engine for Rails. |
6 | 25,581 | 91,437 | lolp | Simple ruby wrapper for Lolipop! API. |
7 | 30,769 | 50,918 | mackerel-rb | Yet another mackerel client for Ruby. |
8 | 30,957 | 91,437 | vagrant-properties | Mnagement multiple machines. |
9 | 36,154 | 21,676 | capistrano-ikachan | Integrates Capistrano with Ikachan |
10 | 38,267 | 91,437 | octospy | Octospy notifies events of github repositories to IRC channels. |
11 | 61,699 | 91,437 | remember_me | Manages generating and clearing a token for remembering the user from a saved cookie. |
12 | 67,470 | 91,437 | furik | A summary generator of GitHub activity for retrospective. |
13 | 68,038 | 50,918 | arisaid | Configure the slack by yaml files. |
14 | 70,375 | 91,437 | nihongo | 日本語のカタカナ、ひらがな、半角、全角変換を行う事が出来ます。 |
15 | 74,906 | 91,437 | stalkerr | Stalkerr is IRC Server for stalking :) |
16 | 77,442 | 91,437 | trell | Simple Ruby wrapper for the Trello API. |
17 | 86,977 | 91,437 | octokit_issue_export | Octokit Extension |
18 | 101,106 | 91,437 | mongoid-dynamic_matchers | Support `find_by_xxx_and_yyy` like activerecord to mongoid. |
19 | 110,881 | 91,437 | trellohub | Trellohub is uniform task management by synchronizing the github issues and trello cards. |
20 | 115,664 | 91,437 | tid | Easy to test in the docker container. |
21 | 151,173 | 50,918 | japanese_char_real | This is to eliminate thenly some garbledccur by using the ujis database with UTF-8 appl... |