Nerde's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
118,34363,366left_joinThis gem helps doing LEFT JOIN's between ActiveRecord associations
255,20963,366activableAllows a model to be activated and deactivated
362,390135,887report_logicThis gem provides an easy way to generate reports' logic. Using this, you can so export...
491,35963,366nd_syncSynchronizes database with RESTful web service.
5111,22475,441nd_transcriberThis gem provides an easy way to copy attributes around.
6111,36575,441nd_transmissionRemote objects synchronization.
7118,986135,887smart_preloadsAvoid N + 1 queries without having to worry about it at all!
8149,93994,831ngeneratorsThis gem provides generators which generate AngularJS views, controllers and resources ...
9152,78794,831persistent_paramsPersist your params in session so they are used the next time you call the same control...
10153,16494,831enem_solicitacaoEste plugin fornece uma API de consulta ao sistema Enem Solicitação do INEP.