1 | 19,997 | 12,551 | csv2hash | DSL to map a CSV to a Ruby Hash |
2 | 27,137 | 76,031 | resque_jobs_tree | To manage complexe background job processes, this gem simplify the task of creating seq... |
3 | 63,514 | 33,042 | doc_generation_wrapper | Wrapper for DocRaptor or Local PrinceXML generation of document, purpose is help to dev... |
4 | 66,354 | 76,031 | threadify_procs | Launch an array of Procs within threads. |
5 | 71,798 | 26,648 | content_caching | Library for help and speed up views render manipulation based on aws and local storage |
6 | 108,203 | 35,654 | cws3chk | This gem studies the existency of AR model assets, including their versions, on S3 via ... |