Semmons99's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1375370moneyA Ruby Library for dealing with money and currency conversion.
2774592monetizeA library for converting various objects into `Money` objects.
3977805money-railsThis library provides integration of RubyMoney - Money gem with Rails
43,3062,229google_currencyGoogleCurrency extends Money::Bank::Base and gives you access to the current Google Cur...
53,3933,235eu_central_bankThis gem reads exchange rates from the european central bank website. It uses it to cal...
612,1928,364money-collectionOptimized operation on collection of Money objects
719,19615,407conglomerateA library to serialize Ruby objects into collection+json
820,58416,341daily_affirmationA simple library for external validations of POROs
921,63220,457money-heuristicsThis is a module for heuristic analysis of the string input for the money gem. It was f...
1023,56621,342cashrbLightweight money and currency handler for working with financial calculations.
1125,62221,342bosdkA JRuby wrapper for the Business Objects Java SDK
1235,47122,243data_brokerA simplified implementation of the data mapper pattern
1351,99269,238roadblockRoadblock provides a simple interface for checking if a ruby object has the authority t...
1454,72530,898simple_moneyThis gem is intended for working with financial calculations (money/currency) where you...
1555,24343,643rdbi-driver-odbcThis gem gives you the ability to query ODBC connections with RDBI.
1659,95769,238least_squaresThis gem adds methods to the Math module to aid in calculating the Least Squares Regres...
1763,18938,135bosdk_designerThis library gives you access to the Business Objects Universe Designer through the Rub...
18108,42443,643crosbyAllows generation and comparison of email output
19146,88569,238omicronPlaceholder for upcoming functional framework