Kempgen's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
199,18737,537device-identifierModels for device identifiers, e.g. MAC addresses for hardware clients and arbitrary id...
2134,54237,537k-versionifyParser for version strings such as "1.2.3".
3135,36837,537sip-notifySends SIP NOTIFY events ("check-sync" etc.).
4137,99937,537offer_accept_matcherMatches offers and "acceptables".
5138,21725,520sinatra-helpers-http-varyHelpers for setting the HTTP Vary header in Sinatra.
6138,73037,537sinatra-helpers-escapeHelpers for HTML escaping in Sinatra.
7138,75537,537sinatra-helpers-env-modeHelpers for environment mode handling in Sinatra (development, test, production).
8138,779132,035simple_inflectorProvides methods to transform class names to file names.