1 | 100,432 | 74,510 | device-identifier | Models for device identifiers, e.g. MAC addresses for hardware clients and arbitrary id... |
2 | 135,986 | 74,510 | k-versionify | Parser for version strings such as "1.2.3". |
3 | 136,972 | 74,510 | sip-notify | Sends SIP NOTIFY events ("check-sync" etc.). |
4 | 139,538 | 47,329 | offer_accept_matcher | Matches offers and "acceptables". |
5 | 139,835 | 74,510 | sinatra-helpers-http-vary | Helpers for setting the HTTP Vary header in Sinatra. |
6 | 140,344 | 74,510 | sinatra-helpers-env-mode | Helpers for environment mode handling in Sinatra (development, test, production). |
7 | 140,344 | 74,510 | sinatra-helpers-escape | Helpers for HTML escaping in Sinatra. |
8 | 140,413 | 74,510 | simple_inflector | Provides methods to transform class names to file names. |