Raphink's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,7457,860puppet-lint-alias-checkA puppet-lint plugin to check for the alias parameter in resources.
27,3598,211puppet-lint-file_source_rights-checkA puppet-lint plugin to check file rights when providing a source.
39,59810,431puppet-lint-roles_and_profiles-checkA puppet-lint plugin to check that: - a node definition declares only a role, -...
410,5658,364puppet-ghostbusterTry and find dead code in Puppet receipts
514,83943,643puppet-lint-fileserver-checkA puppet-lint plugin to check if puppet:/// is used instead of file().
628,16151,580puppetfile-updaterKeep your Puppet file up-to-date with latest versions from the Forge and GitHub.
785,61938,135mspectatorUse RSpec and MCollective to test your fleet
891,34769,238hiera-eyaml-gpg_rubyGPG encryptor for use with hiera-eyaml, in pure Ruby
9148,30969,238puppet-lint-ec2_facts-checkA puppet-lint plugin to convert from ec2_* facts to ec2_metadata[].
10156,84669,238github_readme_generatorGenerate README.md automatically