Benslaughter's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18,0148,128bwapiA Ruby wrapper for the Brandwatch API
221,31125,572utiliseExtends a few ruby classes with helpful methods
330,12526,648allotmentRecording performance simple, powerful and flexible.
433,46516,059cucumber-formattersA collection of cucumber formatters
534,93976,031segregateAn http parser that also includes URI parsing and retaining and rebuilding the original...
642,76814,130to_bConverts strings and fixnum to boolean
751,29024,203faraday_middleware-parse_csvFaraday middleware for parsing CSV using tempfile to include encoding
858,42733,042capybara-tableParse and sort HTML table using Capybara, in a simple to use table object
959,02976,031junctureA State object that can be queried
1077,11476,031interventionA simple proxy that can be configured to perform actions upon a request or response
11148,09156,059faraday_csv_middlewareFaraday middleware that parses CSV from a temp file
12152,11876,031pcaprub_helperHelper methods for pcaprub making life easy.
13159,62976,031random-numberChosen by fair dice roll. guaranteed to be random.