1 | 6,760 | 11,915 | robots | It parses robots.txt files |
2 | 17,983 | 18,432 | acts_as_solr | Acts As Solr |
3 | 19,004 | 56,274 | websolr-sunspot_rails | websolr to sunspot_rails shim |
4 | 19,734 | 56,274 | mwmitchell-rsolr | RSolr is a Ruby gem for working with Apache Solr! |
5 | 20,390 | 13,914 | websolr-rails | Makes Sunspot and acts_as_solr play with WebSolr |
6 | 24,784 | 56,274 | websolr-acts_as_solr | Shim from websolr to acts_as_solr |
7 | 25,702 | 56,274 | fizx-proxymachine | ProxyMachine is a simple content aware (layer 7) TCP routing proxy written in Ruby with... |
8 | 25,727 | 56,274 | scala-bootstrapper | Twitter scala project init |
9 | 42,296 | 56,274 | onemorecloud-websolr-rails | acts_as_solr compatible gem for websolr |
10 | 45,893 | 56,274 | parsley-ruby | XML/HTML Parser |
11 | 49,313 | 56,274 | filezor | pure ruby file sync |
12 | 59,027 | 56,274 | plain_option_parser | Parse command-line options in style |
13 | 63,832 | 56,274 | latch | This is a really simple countdown latch for Ruby. |
14 | 65,230 | 56,274 | capsh | Capistrano shell |
15 | 70,275 | 38,928 | websolr | Placeholder for a gem to be migrated later |
16 | 74,041 | 56,274 | remind | Simple command-line notifications via growl |
17 | 80,663 | 56,274 | protodiff | Diffs two protobuf files to ensure that they are mutually compatible |
18 | 83,870 | 56,274 | csvget | Super easy to use (but lots of dependencies :/) parser |
19 | 85,789 | 56,274 | edge-parsley-ruby | XML/HTML Parser |
20 | 88,032 | 56,274 | fizx-aws-keychain-util | Helps manage a keychain of AWS credentials on OS X. |
21 | 91,319 | 56,274 | yawn | async http |
22 | 92,105 | 56,274 | rmv | regex mv |
23 | 92,350 | 56,274 | rwget | Ruby port of wget, emphasis on recursive/crawler |
24 | 95,901 | 56,274 | jira4nix | Work in progress |
25 | 105,366 | 56,274 | thread_pool | Placeholder for a gem to be migrated later |
26 | 106,890 | 56,274 | collapsed_routes | Placeholder for a gem to be migrated later |
27 | 107,041 | 56,274 | date_range | Placeholder for a gem to be migrated later |
28 | 108,176 | 56,274 | dexquery | Placeholder for a gem to be migrated later |
29 | 110,463 | 56,274 | uberchronic | Placeholder for a gem to be migrated later |
30 | 112,518 | 56,274 | parsley | Placeholder for a gem to be migrated later |
31 | 113,809 | 56,274 | ordered_json | Placeholder for a gem to be migrated later |
32 | 114,661 | 56,274 | stemmable | Placeholder for a gem to be migrated later |
33 | 116,188 | 56,274 | fusefs-osx | Gemified |
34 | 117,816 | 56,274 | edhd | Simple AB testing |
35 | 120,388 | 56,274 | fizx-chargify | Ruby wrapper for the chargify.com SAAS and billing API |
36 | 121,141 | 56,274 | tablegrok | Look: html tables as Ruby |
37 | 121,328 | 56,274 | jane | experiment in monkey-patching |
38 | 122,309 | 56,274 | http_echo_server | Simple server for testing |
39 | 123,906 | 56,274 | protobuf-core | Google Protocol Buffers serialization and compiler implementation for Ruby. |
40 | 127,779 | 56,274 | straitjacket | PostgreSQL constraints in Ruby |
41 | 131,556 | 56,274 | slow | A TCP reverse proxy that responds slowly |
42 | 132,147 | 56,274 | pullme | Pull request creator |
43 | 142,078 | 38,928 | zkexec | Run a process in a wrapper that manages config files from zookeeper |
44 | 170,406 | 56,274 | spots | Manages spot instances |