Caryp's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,7724,423invoca-utilsA public collection of helpers used in multiple projects
258,94956,059right_api_helperA collection of helper objects and methods for right_api_client gem
384,68976,031knife-rightscaleOne plugin to provision them all! This plugin allows the Chef developer to provision C...
487,08876,031image_optimizeBundle a running server into a new image that will be used on next launch
590,53676,031right_api_provisionSimple ruby API for provisioning servers on the cloud with RightScale
6106,53476,031vagrant-rightscaleProvision your vagrant boxes using RightScale ServerTemplates.
7142,30376,031rightscale_provisionerEnables the provisioning of local VMs using RightScale