Tricknotes's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18671,253babel-sourceBabel JS source
28761,298babel-transpilerRuby Babel is a bridge to the JS Babel transpiler.
31,7642,557sprockets-es6A Sprockets transformer that converts ES6 code into vanilla ES5 with Babel JS.
44,07910,069barberHandlebars precompilation
54,3898,845ember-railsEmber for Rails 3.1+
65,3372,539view_source_mapThis is a Rails plugin to insert the path name of a rendered partial view as HTML comme...
75,55412,072ember-handlebars-templateThe sprockets template for Ember Handlebars.
86,35234,868hamlbarsHamlbars allows you to write handlebars templates using the familiar Haml syntax.
98,55411,843ember-cli-assetsThe assets for Ember CLI.
108,82216,048ember-es6_templateThe tilt template for Ember specified ES6.
1116,29411,602esperanto-sourceesperanto for Ruby
1217,6848,187extensionatorA tool for packaging Chrome extensions
1325,14121,205ember-middlemanEmber for Middleman
1447,23846,623daimon-markdownMarkdown renderer for Daimon
1577,51284,840esperantoesperanto for Ruby.
1683,80184,840capybara_screenshot_idobataPost screenshot to Idobata
17114,11884,840sprockets-es6moduleSprockets ES6 transformer with module syntax
18136,927168,370daimon-dekaDaimon::Deka is RuboCop configuration gem
19158,091136,377daimon-exhibitionA simple mylist that can contain some products.