1 | 75,305 | 76,031 | tlc59116 | Driver for TLC59116 led driver using I2C |
2 | 80,362 | 40,711 | dxf_dummy_generator | Creates dummy dxf files |
3 | 94,168 | 76,031 | teletask | Teletask gem enables the communication with a Teletask Domitics central using the DoIP ... |
4 | 97,087 | 76,031 | qt1070 | QT1070 capacitive touch sensor library for Ruby |
5 | 113,936 | 76,031 | touchberrypi | Ruby library for using and controlling the Touchberry Pi shield |
6 | 130,311 | 76,031 | sillevl_temperature_library | Library for converting temperatures and command line tool |
7 | 136,092 | 56,059 | m3pi | Ruby gem for controlling a m3pi robot using Xbee |
8 | 139,286 | 35,654 | classroom-cli | Toolbox for Github classroom. |
9 | 154,787 | 76,031 | robotwars | Shared screen multiplayer game. No controls provided, players need provide actions and ... |
10 | 158,946 | 76,031 | hola_sille | A simple hello world gem |
11 | 167,073 | 76,031 | mcp9800 | MCP 9800 Temperature sensor driver Ruby |
12 | 170,827 | 76,031 | svl-hola | A simple hello world gem |