1 | 3,133 | 3,138 | rack-dev-mark | Differentiate development environment from production |
2 | 9,970 | 9,072 | activerecord-after-transaction | Exec Proc After Transaction |
3 | 17,052 | 16,339 | acts_as_hashids | Use Youtube-Like ID in ActiveRecord seamlessly. |
4 | 17,075 | 25,572 | obfuscatable | Make your ActiveRecord IDs non-obvious |
5 | 17,685 | 14,969 | mandriller | Mandrill SMTP API integration for ActionMailer |
6 | 18,601 | 19,275 | paperclip-deflater | Deflate Processor for Paperclip |
7 | 22,819 | 11,890 | sidekiq-merger | Merge sidekiq jobs. |
8 | 30,393 | 76,031 | wordpress-client | Wordpress API Wrapper. |
9 | 49,106 | 30,156 | fluent-plugin-fork | Fork output by separating values for fluentd |
10 | 55,974 | 76,031 | activerecord-time-scope | Time-Related Scope for ActiveRecord |
11 | 68,312 | 35,654 | capistrano-misc | Useful tasks for Capistrano |
12 | 69,460 | 76,031 | rack-secure-upload | Upload files securely |
13 | 75,538 | 76,031 | url_regexp | Generate regular expression for URL |
14 | 77,454 | 76,031 | planbcd-rails | This gem provides view helpers for PlanBCD. |
15 | 82,461 | 40,711 | capistrano-db-mirror | Mirror DB from Remote |
16 | 103,898 | 45,533 | bugsnag-ext | Extensions of Bugsnag. |
17 | 141,046 | 56,059 | faraday_middleware-retry_proxy | Retry with proxy in Faraday |
18 | 178,205 | 76,031 | athena-udf | Ruby-version Athena UDF |