Andytinycat's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,88110,855cap-ec2Cap-EC2 is used to generate Capistrano namespaces and tasks from Amazon EC2 instance ta...
23,5115,700rbhiveSimple gem for executing Hive queries and collecting the results
322,731102,511cap-deploy-taggerAutomatically tag Git commits when deploying with Capistrano
434,18534,706resque_to_cloudwatchSubmit Resque queue lengths to Cloudwatch
545,260141,551debeasyDebeasy is a simple gem that allows you to programmatically r...
646,22034,706fpm-dockeryUse Docker to produce clean builds of fpm-cookery recipes by building in containers
751,64741,024ropesBuild apt and yum repositories from a directory, or from supp...
860,322141,551athleteA deployment tool for building Docker containers for Marathon and Mesos
1087,02867,524pkghub-apiGem for accessing the API
11108,23080,697resque_worker_heartbeatGives Resque workers a heartbeat to allow dead worker detection