1 | 5,427 | 7,038 | embulk-output-bigquery | Embulk plugin that insert records to Google BigQuery. |
2 | 7,565 | 8,199 | embulk-input-s3 | Reads files stored on Amazon S3 |
3 | 9,267 | 19,070 | embulk-output-td | TreasureData output plugin is an Embulk plugin that loads records to Treasure Data read... |
4 | 9,912 | 10,265 | embulk-input-gcs | Reads files stored on Google Cloud Storage. |
5 | 12,051 | 12,487 | embulk-output-gcs | Dumps records to Google Cloud Storage. |
6 | 12,344 | 27,062 | embulk-input-td | Loads records from Td. |
7 | 12,909 | 29,212 | embulk-output-command | Executes commands and writes files to STDIN. |
8 | 15,516 | 27,062 | embulk-input-marketo | Loads records from Marketo. |
9 | 17,654 | 29,212 | embulk-filter-add_time | Add time column to the schema |
10 | 18,679 | 15,965 | embulk-output-elasticsearch | Elasticsearch output plugin is an Embulk plugin that loads records to Elasticsearch rea... |
11 | 18,683 | 25,404 | embulk-input-mixpanel | Loads records from Mixpanel. |
12 | 19,669 | 31,995 | embulk-input-zendesk | Loads records From Zendesk |
13 | 20,069 | 27,062 | embulk-output-sftp | Stores files on SFTP server. |
14 | 20,582 | 22,830 | embulk-input-sftp | Reads files stored on remote server using SFTP. |
15 | 22,021 | 29,212 | embulk-input-riak_cs | Reads files stored on Riak CS |
16 | 22,077 | 41,117 | embulk-input-google_analytics | Loads records from Google Analytics. |
17 | 22,733 | 31,995 | embulk-input-jira | JIRA Embulk input plugin. |
18 | 23,425 | 31,995 | embulk-output-mailchimp | Dumps records to MailChimp. |
19 | 23,854 | 49,619 | embulk-input-command | Executes a command and reads a file from its STDOUT. |
20 | 28,450 | 27,062 | embulk-output-ftp | Store files using FTP. |
21 | 30,588 | 31,995 | embulk-input-azure_blob_storage | An Embulk plugin to loads records from Azure Blob Storage. |
22 | 31,849 | 27,062 | embulk-input-ftp | Reads files stored on a FTP server. |
23 | 33,699 | 29,212 | embulk-output-azure_blob_storage | Dumps records to Microsoft Azure Blob Storage. |
24 | 39,859 | 49,619 | embulk-parser-query_string | Parses Query String files read by other file input plugins. |
25 | 41,524 | 108,739 | vagrant-niftycloud | Enables Vagrant to manage machines in Nifty Cloud. |
26 | 53,975 | 108,739 | embulk-output-dynamodb | Dumps records to AWS DynamoDB. |
27 | 62,882 | 108,739 | embulk-input-sfdc | Loads sObjects using SOQL from Salesforce.com |
28 | 160,928 | 108,739 | embulk-input-soracom_harvest | Loads records from Soracom Harvest. |