Hamitturkukaya's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
128,34929,054hierapolis-railsThis gem using to  integrate hierapolis theme  on rails project.
249,18549,264kangalKangal brings you a nice set of custom validators for Rails 4.
352,37675,441blankableAdds blank slates to index view
466,30154,969l12nLocations data
567,50063,366model_to_localeCreate a locale attributes from model
668,56863,366bulutfon_sdkBulutfon API SDK for ruby & ruby on rails.
7101,411135,887bin_checkerBin checker identifies Turkish banks with bin numbers.
8105,22675,441kebab_remote_apiKebab Remote API is a gem that sends spesific server data through JSON.
9113,15175,441parasut_ruby_sdkParaşüt SDK