Printercu's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
17,8126,328telegram-botLibrary for building Telegram Bots with Rails integration
222,95913,220telegram-bot-typesVirtus types for Telegram Bot API
325,11921,205insales_apiGem for accessing the InSales REST web services
450,19852,733elasticsLightweight and extensible elasticsearch client
550,71632,169rails_stuffCollection of useful modules for Rails
671,64370,697secure_credentialsRails credentials without security issues. With environments support.
774,79870,697gemfile_lockerGemfileLocker can lock all dependencies strictly or semi-strictly, so it gets safe to r...
878,26860,424activemodel_translationUse lazy translations from models
992,54484,840pooled_redisProvides `Rails.redis_pool` & `Rails.redis` methods and configuration via `database...
10172,373168,370money2A Ruby Library for dealing with money and currency conversion.