Socialcoders's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
116,08741,916superboltSuperbolt is comprised of a standalone app, and a queue-like queue for sending messages...
220,13463,432nail_polishNailPolish is a Backbone/OOCSS engine for your Rails 4 app
322,50363,432pageluxBasic pagination for ActiveRecord::Relation objects
423,86563,432gtaGTA: the Git Transit Authority - A git based deploy tool for moving code from stage to ...
524,84663,432link_oracleScrapes pages for open graph, meta, and lastly, body preview data
630,27263,432slipcoverLite wrapper for CouchDB
735,04563,432cumuliCumuli runs several foreman processes in different directories
877,64263,432superbolt-futurePerform superbolt tasks at a later time; timed job queues for the cloud
9110,20863,432superbolt-httpAn easy http interface for RabbitMQ
10123,07063,432file_marshalSerializes files to hashes of strings for serialization over various protocols
11150,31263,432simple_fanoutA simple client for sending http post requests