Busbey's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
127,26813,497fix_specBuild and Inspect FIX Messages with RSpec and Cucumber steps
228,33711,598quickfix-jrubyQuickFIX/J packaged as a gem for JRuby
332,57818,538agent_fixInteract with FIX connections to send, receive, and inspect messages in cucumber
434,53514,237cuke_memGem serves as a place where step definitions from different modules can share remembere...
545,03122,214logstash-filter-fix_protocolPut your financial application logs to work with logstash FIX filtering
672,18984,598protobuf_specLeverages json_spec to test structured protocol buffers with json data modeling
7119,342110,973agent_zmqAcceptance test framework for ZeroMQ applications. Includes some cucumber helpers.