Pr0d1r2's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18,55912,370free_disk_spaceSimple class that shows free disk space for directory. Return free disk space as float.
233,94056,274Pr0d1r2-geokitGeokit Gem
350,77856,274deployment_testGem to perform common deployment testing
458,46256,274paperclip-time-stampedAllow to use time-stamped urls from paperclip attachments
560,58256,274git-media"This is a summary! Stop yer whining"
673,13528,457with_filled_field_scopeAdds with_filled_field scope to active record models. It scope searches for record with...
779,74938,928active_record_connectionlessThis gem provides connectionless active_record models useful for testing
883,68956,274capistrano-ext-rvmCapistrano recipes to support RVM installations
985,41656,274capistrano-ext-rvm-bundlerCapistrano recipes to support RVM installations with bundler
1087,90056,274ruby_bittorrentRuby bittorrent download cli.
11106,70238,928bigdecimal-segfault-fixPrevents users from exploiting the BigDecimal bugs and causing your application to segf...
12108,97856,274ruby_osx_appThis gem operates on Mac OSX Applications to retrieve information from them.
13115,57656,274huawei_e5180_apiApi support for Huawei E5180 LTE modem in ruby.
14115,74956,274capistrano-ext-rvm-unicornCapistrano recipes to support unicorn server installed on RVM
15117,31056,274Pr0d1r2-resource_controllerRails RESTful controller abstraction plugin.
16119,34356,274geokit-cacheCaching support in database for locations geocoded by andre/geokit-gem
17119,45156,274ipv4_addressRecognize ipv4 addresses in many ways
18120,79456,274file_backupSimple file backup mechanism written as extension to File class.
19124,15956,274pr0d1r2-capybaraCapybara is an integration testing tool for rack based web applications. It simulates h...
20175,17038,928rspec-specification-coverageAllow specify how RSpec specification files cover the implementation.