Nico-hn's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
126,832121,991pseudohikiparserPseudoHikiParser parses texts written in a Hiki like notation, and coverts them into HT...
246,50714,909color_contrast_calcUtility that helps you choose colors with sufficient contrast, WCAG 2.0 in mind
360,37544,356ad_hoc_templateAdHocTemplate is a template processor with simple but sufficient rules for some ad hoc ...
471,175121,991log_line_parserA simple parser of Apache access log: it parses a line of Apache access log and turns i...
5105,854121,991optparse_plus"optparse_plus" will let you define command line options more easily.
6125,87472,978dumb_down_viewerDumbDownViewer (ddv) is a recursive directory listing command with limited functionalit...
7133,44717,858css_color_contrastUtility to calculate the contrast ratio between 2 colors, for checking the level of con...
8173,023121,991find_shared_linesFind lines that are commonly included in given files.