Equivalent's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,2854,809copy_carrierwave_fileGems main responsibility is to provide service for copying Carrierwave files between re...
28,1016,382public_uidAutomatic generates public unique identifier for model
39,4087,576no_cache_controlSets browser caching headers on Rails app so that browser caching of pages will be disa...
427,89735,654mailer_preview_request_modelgem to patch Rails untill PR 20646 https://github.com/rails/rails/pull/20646 is merged ...
533,69828,629pull_tempfileLightway way to pull file from URL to tmp folder as a standard Ruby Tempfile
641,72176,031witch_doctorRails engine that provides simple API so that external antivirus script can pull down f...
747,26456,059pragmatic_serializerJSON API Serializer to produce RESTful serializer using plain Ruby Ojects that follows ...
867,00076,031maze_magicRuby gem for generating Maze in form of nested Arrays
969,76430,156bubblesDaemonized file uploader that watch a folder and uploads any files files to AWS S3. Des...
1078,31976,031virus_scan_serviceGem contains runner that will pull JSON request with list of files to scan, and run ant...
1181,94340,711inputsStupid pointless gem for lazy Ruby developer to implement console interfaces for input ...
1285,48740,711pragmatic_qlImagine GraphQL alike query language for JSON based APIs usecase but with really pragma...
13105,77076,031request_repeaterGem is a standalone Ruby executable app that will repeet GET requests to an endopoints ...
14109,97940,711lpgridLast Pass Grid reader
15119,63376,031primal_instinctimple gem for generating primal table mutifications.
16132,01276,031simple_listenersimplest possible Ruby listener lib
17133,67776,031shoulda-matchers-callbacksShoulda Matchers gem extension for Active Model (Rails) callbacks ...
18134,52440,711dude_policycurrent user (current account) oriented Plain Ruby Object Policy for Ruby on Rails
19146,22976,031incoming_webhook_notifierSimple Ruby lang Net/HTTPs implementation to send requests to "incomming webhooks" of p...
20146,38356,059extended_interpolation_stringwhen interpolating string with hash that includes lamda,you can pass interpolator objec...
21154,74076,031thyme_ubuntu_notificationPlugin for Thyme gem that sends Ubuntu notification when Pomodoro ends
22156,96076,031reading_log_extractorHad Read reading-log github api extractor
23157,20140,711hubspot_v3Ruby wrapper around Hubspot CRM API v3 with simple implementation around batch endpoint...
24164,24756,059bulkgate_sms_gateway_contractContract classes for SMS Gateway (test + production for Bulkgate.com API)
25164,74476,031shitty_qlImagine GraphQL alike query language for JSON based APIs usecase but with really pragma...