Scryptmouse's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
125,08224,203duxSwiss-army knife gem for duck-type matching and utility methods
230,69933,042statesman-triggerCreate a database trigger that keeps the most recent Statesman state in sync.
351,03576,031activerecord-viewSQL views with ActiveRecord
464,94576,031attr_delegatedDelegate an ActiveModel attribute and all its meta methods to another model.
571,51645,533activerecord-wrapped_transactionWrap transactions in a manner that detects if the transaction completed
673,50876,031unboundedUnbounded (infinite) ranges, ruby-style
788,75376,031proxy_toVery Simple Object Proxying -- with no dependencies.
8106,95176,031savvyENV-backed configuration helper for Redis, Sidekiq, etc
9111,38676,031pick_a_recordPick a random record and cache the result for display.
10120,39556,059keycloak_rackRack middleware for validating authorization tokens from Keycloak
11136,37956,059calculiCalculated functions for metaprogramming.
12153,38045,533copy_methodCopy a method from one class to another (experimental)
13165,52276,031paperclip-style_mapAccess Paperclip style URLs like a hash