Dldinternet's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
110,074-gce-metadatagce-metadata provides access to GCE instance metadata.
212,033-aws-cfn-compilerThe idea is to create a folder structure to better manage pieces of a CloudFormation de...
314,100-cicd-builderJenkins builder task for Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery artifact promotion ...
416,606-manifest-builderRepo builder of the software manifest.yml for Continuous Integration/Continuous Deliver...
517,617-knife-chopKnife plugin to assist with the upload and sync of Chef server assets like roles, envir...
618,299-chefrepo-builderJenkins builder task for Chef repository for Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery...
720,145-aws-cfn-dslRuby DSL for creating Cloudformation templates
821,081-ansiblerepo-builderAnsible playbook repo builder for Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery artifact p...
923,103-aws-cfn-decompilerThe idea is to extract a big CloudFormation template into a folder structure to better ...
1027,648-dldinternet-mixlib-loggingA logging mixlib to help CLI apps which repeat the same logging patterns
1131,552-chefrepo-manifest-builderChefRepo builder of the software manifest for Continuous Integration/Continuous Deliver...
1232,786-aws-ec2-instance_typesRetrieve an up to date list of valid AWS EC2 Instance Types directly from Amazon Web Se...
1334,696-aws-cfn-yatsAWS Cloudformation templates expressed with a Ruby DSL, YAML or JSON in a modular fashion
1440,653-dldinternet-mixlib-thorThor no_commands reuse
1545,515-findmyipsLook up my IP address
1648,423-aws-rds-instance_typesRetrieve an up to date list of valid AWS RDS Instance Types directly from Amazon Web Se...
1750,502-environments-list-builderJenkins builder of the environments manifest for Continuous Integration/Continuous Deli...
1852,869-dldinternet-mixlib-thor-nocommandsThor no_commands reuse
1954,606-dldinternet-mixlib-cliA custom CLI mixlib inspired by Chef and Mixlib::CLI
2080,165-aws-cfn-stackerA CloudFormation stack management helper to do stack CRUD and chaining. It eases the pa...
2181,458-json_ppA very simple command line JSON pretty printer that operates on STDIN input
2295,526-gitlab_ciGitlab is a Ruby wrapper and CLI for the [GitLab-CI API](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/...
23104,921-artifactory_apiA client to the artifactory rest api
24127,464-doctlDLDInternet DOctl tools
25128,002-dldinternet-opensrsDLDInternet OpenSRS tools
26150,533-customresource-route53An action command for aws-cfn-resource-bridge to implement CloudFormation custom resources
27151,359-customresource-elastictranscoderAn action command for aws-cfn-resource-bridge to implement CloudFormation custom resources
28156,134-mysql-cnf-parserA mysql config file parser base on INI parser
29157,437-gce_metadatagce-metadata provides access to GCE instance metadata.