Rstammer's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
111,36128,889emarsysA Ruby library for interacting with the Emarsys API.
213,01517,207best_boyHybrid action logging, consisting of standard and custom logging.
337,03251,780beespewBeespew is a naive spam protection plugin for rails using a honeypot
440,37146,716sunspot-null_resultProvides a standalone mock result for Solr searches
544,96431,705schneiderleinRescues from ActionDispatch::ParamsParser and continues in middleware stack
657,986151,891event_girl_clientRuby client library to connect to event_girl app
765,71975,401sunspot_solr-jtsSunspot::Solr provides a bundled Solr distribution for use with Sunspot. Typical de...
868,46675,401active_job-rnfAssuming that a queued job has lost its raison d'ĂȘtre when its argument had been delete...
977,109151,891ereignishorizont-clientRuby client library to connect to ereignishorizont app
1085,63443,217iruby-chartkickMinimalistic wrapper around chartkick to use it within IRuby
11113,71191,966tixrissRetrieves links.list data and allows processing/transformation
12114,99546,716saxophoneDeclarative SAX Parsing with Nokogiri, Ox or Oga
13117,953151,891cmd_stan_rbStan is a state-of-the-art platform for statistical modeling and high-performance stati...
14151,85291,966levenshtein_rbImplementation of Levenshtein algorithm to determine the similarity of two strings usin...
15177,71575,401rubythinkingRuby code translations and additional material for the book "Statistical Rethinking" of...